App Notifications
The app notifies you of items that require your attention, such as:
Calls: Incoming calls, missed calls, unread voicemails.
Chat: New direct messages, new channel messages, mentions. You can customize each channel for tailored alerts.
Meetings: New meetings, meeting changes, cancellations, and reminders such as starting soon.
For such occasions, the app plays a ringtone, vibrates your mobile phone, and displays a notification toast and a badge. If you are logged in to the app from multiple devices, all devices notify you of the same event. The app follows your operating system's (OS) notification settings. You can customize how you want to be notified by changing OS settings on each device. For example, you can turn off all notifications on a mobile phone if you mainly use a desktop computer for all communications. Every OS is different, but it's usually under Settings > Notifications.