From the Cymbus app, you can see both new and saved voicemail messages on your BCC account. When someone leaves a new message for you, the app sends you a notification and displays a small red number on the Calls tab.
To access your voicemail messages, go to the Calls tab and select the Voicemail list. Each voicemail message is listed with the caller ID or phone number, date and time, and length of the message.

Play. To listen to a message, select
Save. To download the voicemail on the desktop app, select a message then select
Download. On the mobile app, select Share > Save to a location of your choice.
Delete. To delete a message on the desktop app, hover over the call entry in the list, and select
More > Delete. On the mobile app, select Delete.
Mark Voicemail as Read or Unread
You can mark a voicemail message as read or unread. When marking it as read, the voicemail will stay displayed under Voicemail in the app. When marking it as unread, a red voicemail icon reappears for the specific message, indicating you need to come back to it.
To mark a voicemail as read on the desktop app, hover over the call entry, and click More > Mark as read. On the mobile app, swipe left on the call entry, then tap
More > Mark as read.
Change Greetings
You can change your voicemail greetings in various ways.
Go to the
Calls tab and select the
Greetings icon on desktop or the
Voicemail icon in top right corner of the mobile app. Enter your PIN to access the voicemail box.
Use the app's dialpad and dial the Voicemail Management star code. Enter your PIN to access the voicemail box.
Log in to the Voice Portal to access your messages online.