Disable Account Codes
When Account Codes is disabled at the account level, it is also disabled for all users, regardless of their previous settings. To disable Account Codes for a user, see User Settings. To disable it for the account, follow the steps below:
Go to the Account Codes page.
Under Account Codes Settings, toggle off Allow account codes and click [Save].
A pop-up will appear asking if you want to delete custom user settings.
Enabled. All user override settings will be deleted. If Account Codes is re-enabled in the future, any custom settings will have to be set up again.
Disabled. All custom user settings will be preserved. If Account Codes is re-enabled in the future, users' previous custom settings will be restored.
Click [Save] to disable Account Codes for all users on the account. The account codes are preserved, so they can be used again if the feature is re-enabled later.