Disable Call Recording for User
The following information is for Admin users only. See User Access Levels to learn more.
Admin users can disable a user's call recording capabilities, if needed. This can be completed by navigating to the user's Settings tab and toggling off Call Recording.
Log in to the Voice Portal and go to Business Cloud > Users.
Locate and select the user from the list.
Navigate to the Settings tab, then scroll down to Call Recording.
Toggle off Enable call recording. The feature will be greyed out.
Click [Save].
In the Deactivate Call Recording modal, choose whether to keep or delete the user's recordings. The options here may vary depending on which product is being disabled.
Keep Recordings (Dubber products). Select this option to delete the user from Dubber but keep their recordings in the Dubber Portal. The user's recordings can only be accessed by a Dubber Administrator.
Deactivate/Delete Recordings. Depending on your product, select [Deactivate] or [Delete Recordings] to delete the user and all their recordings from the Dubber Portal. Proceed with caution; recordings cannot be recovered after they are deleted.
BCC Call Recording
Dubber Products
The user's Dubber account is deleted. They will no longer have access to the Dubber Portal.
If call recording is disabled and then re-enabled, a brand-new account is created for the user in the Dubber Portal, and they will not have access to access their old recordings unless they are a Dubber Administrator.
See also: Enable Call Recording for a User (Admins only)