Call History Report
Once you’ve applied the appropriate filters to locate the data you need, you can export the data into a .csv file for offline use.
In the account, go to
.Filter the table as needed.
At the top right of the page, click
[Email CSV]. A banner is displayed on the page to indicate that your report is being generated.
When the file is ready, an email with a link to download the report is sent to the email address in your settings. The link expires in 7 days and can only be used once.
Here's an example of what it looks like:
Report Fields
This list includes all the fields available in the Call History report which can be emailed (exported) from the portal as a .csv file. Each line in the file represents a call.
See Call History for information about how to access these records in the Voice Portal.
# | Field Name | Type | Description |
A | AccountBillableAbbrRCName | string | Abbreviated name of the rate center of the account billable phone number. |
B | AccountBillableCityName | string | Name of the city of the address associated with the phone number. |
C | AccountBillableLocation | string | MSA (metropolitan statistical area) of the address associated with the number. |
D | AccountBillableNumber | string | A phone number on the account. |
E | AccountBillableState | string | State of the address associated with the rate center. |
F | AccountCode | string | The account code tagged on this call. |
G | AccountNumber | string | The client-assigned account number of the account to which the call is billed. |
H | AcctId | string | Unique ID of account to which the call is billed. |
I | ActualCallLengthSeconds | numeric | The length, in seconds, of the call from connect to end. |
J | BillCallLengthSeconds | bigint | The length, in seconds, of the call from connect to end rounded according to applied calling plan product. |
K | BillingCode | string | Unique code to identify the partition responsible for billing. |
L | CallFlagType | string | Indicates if the call was answered on a device, and if not answered on a device, how did it terminate.
M | CallPickupFromId | string | Indicates the object that picked up the call. |
N | CallPickupById | string | Indicates the object from which the call was picked. |
O | CallType | string | Inbound or outbound. |
P | CallingPlanProductId | string | Unique ID of the calling plan product with which the call was rated. |
Q | CallingPlanProductName | string | Name of the calling plan with which the call was rated. |
R | ConnectTime | date/time | Date and time the call was connected. Billing starts at this time. |
S | Cost | double | Rated value of call, according to calling plan product. |
T | DialedNumber | string | The digits originally dialed to start the call. |
U | DisconnectType | string | Indication of which party disconnected the call; "HangUp" indicates the origin, "HangUpOther" indicates termination. |
V | EndTime | date/time | Date and time the call ended. |
W | ForwardingNumber | string | Phone number the call was forwarded to. |
X | ForwardingNumberAbbrRCName | string | Abbreviated name of the rate center of the phone number the call was forwarded to. |
Y | ForwardingNumberCityName | string | Associated rate center city name of the phone number the call was forwarded to. |
Z | ForwardingNumberLocation | string | MSA (metropolitan statistical area) of the rate center of the number. |
AA | ForwardingNumberState | string | State of the associated rate center of the phone number the call was forwarded to. |
AB | Id | string | Unique string of characters assigned to each call within the Alianza system. |
AC | IdentityAttestLevel | string | STIR/SHAKEN field. A = fully attested or trusted source, B = partially attested, or C = not attested (potential spam). |
AD | IdentityOriginationId | string | STIR/SHAKEN field. A unique identifier used to identify the source of the call. |
AE | IdentitySignOrganization | string | STIR/SHAKEN field. The code for the carrier that performed the signing. |
AF | IdentitySignSPCode | string | STIR/SHAKEN field. The code assigned to the service provider that signed the call. |
AG | InPlan | boolean | True/False indicator of whether the call was considered "in plan." |
AH | LegType | string | Indication of direction of call:
AI | MeanOpinionScoreAverage | numeric | Average MOS for the call. |
AJ | MeanOpinionScores | list<string> | List of MOS scores associated with each SIP call leg. |
AK | MediaServerType | string | Indication of what media service was used by call, if any. |
AL | MetroServiceArea | Reserved for future use | |
AM | OrigAbbrRCName | string | Abbreviated name of the rate center of the phone number that made the call. |
AN | OrigCallCategory | string | Type of call that was made. |
AO | OrigCarrier | string | The name of the carrier, if applicable. |
AP | OrigCityName | string | City for the associated rate center for the phone number that made the call. |
AQ | OrigLocation | string | MSA (metropolitan statistical area) of the rate center for the phone number that made the call. |
AR | OrigNumber | numeric | Phone number that made the call. |
AS | OrigState | string | State of the associated rate center for the phone number that made the call. |
AT | PartitionId | string | Unique ID of client partition to which the associated account belongs. |
AU | RateLocalFromNumber | ||
AV | RatePerMinute | double | Per-minute rate for call, according to the calling plan assigned to the user making the call. |
AW | RateType | Indication of why the call was rated the way that it was.
Local requires the calling plan to be set up with Unlimited Local, and the calls are rated at $0. | |
AX | ReferenceId | string | Unique ID of the acting or responsible party on the associated account to which the call was billed. |
AY | ReferenceName | string | Name of acting or responsible party. |
AZ | ReferenceType | string | Type of object to which the call is billed.
BA | SessionId | string | Internal softswitch session ID. |
BB | SipCallIds | set<string> | List of SIP callIds associated with the call. |
BC | StartTime | date/time | Date and time the call started ringing. |
BD | TermAbbrRCName | string | Abbreviated name of the rate center of the phone number that received the call. |
BE | TermCallCategory | string | Type of call that was made. |
BF | TermCarrier | string | The name of the carrier, if applicable. |
BG | TermCityName | string | Associated rate center city name of the phone number that received the call. |
BH | TermLocation | string | MSA (metropolitan statistical area) of the rate center of the phone number that received the call. |
BI | TermNumber | string | Phone number that received the call. |
BJ | TermState | string | State of the associated rate center of the phone number that received the call. |
BK | OrigCnam | string | The originating caller’s name. |
BL | TermCnam | string | The terminating caller’s name. |
BM | ForwardingCnam | string | The forwarding caller's name. |
BN | VerStat | string | STIR/SHAKEN field. String from the verificationResponse containing:
BO | VerStatReason | string | STIR/SHAKEN field. String of text from the verificationResponse message used in case of failed verification.