Call Pick Up
Directed Call Pickup and Pick Up Groups have similar functionalities. Directed Call Pickup allows a user to answer a call ringing at a specific extension, while Pick Up Groups allow a user to answer a call ringing to anyone in the group. To create a Pick Up Group, please contact Customer Support.
Directed Call Pick Up allows you to answer a call ringing at a specific extension. It's great when you need to answer a call for someone in your office.
Pick Up Groups allow incoming calls to be answered by another member of the group. Calls to a group can be answered via star code (below) or by pressing a speed dial button on your phone assigned to the group. See Pick Up Groups for details.
Star Code Disclaimer
Star codes are customized by your service provider. However, to use a single line key on your IP phone to both park and retrieve the call, the Directed Call Pickup star code MUST be set to **.
Star Code | Instructions |
** + | Directed Call Pickup Pick up a ringing extension for another user.
*40 | Pick Up Group Pick up a ringing extension for another user in the same Pick Up Group.