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Using Account Codes

The general flow for using account codes on inbound and outbound calls is outlined below. However, it will change depending on which settings are enabled at the account and user levels.

  • Outbound Calls: Dial a phone number. When prompted, enter an account code (for example, 123).

  • Inbound Calls: Answer an inbound call, then dial the star code + the account code (for example, *123).

Mid-Call Star Code

For calls in which an account code is not required, once the call is answered, dial the star code + account code (for example, *123) during the call. Just remember, the other party will hear the dial tones, so let them know what you’re doing first.

Require Account Codes for Internal Calls

If this setting is enabled, users are prompted to dial an account code on every outbound call to other users on the account.

  • On (Required): The user dials an on-net phone number or extension and hears, "Please enter a valid account code."

  • Off (Optional): The user dials an on-net phone number or extension. If they want to tag the call, the user can dial the star code + account code once the call is answered.

Validate Account Codes When Dialed

If this setting is enabled, outbound calls are not connected unless the caller enters a valid code. However, an inbound call will continue even if an incorrect code is entered to the max retry limit.

  • On (Validated): The account code is checked against the codes on the account. Outbound calls are not connected unless the caller enters a valid code. Inbound calls, however, will continue even if the user enters invalid codes up to the max retry limit.

    • If the code is valid, the user hears a splash tone to indicate the account code was accepted. The call continues and the code is added to the Call History record.

    • If the code is not valid, the user hears, "Invalid entry. Please enter an X-digit account code."

  • Off (Not Validated): The user can enter any code they want as long as it’s the right length.

    • If the code is valid, the user hears a splash tone to indicate the account code was accepted. The call continues and the code is added to the Call History record.

    • If the code is too long or too short, the caller will hear, "Account codes must be X digits. Please re-enter your X-digit account code."

Allow Call to Proceed After Max Retries

The max retry limit is set in Account Codes Settings. Once the user reaches this limit on an outbound call, they hear:

  • On (Allow): “You have reached the maximum number of attempts. No account code will be assigned to this call.” And the call continues without an account code.

  • Off: "You have reached the maximum number of attempts to enter a valid account code. Goodbye." The call is disconnected.