Voicemail Management

A voicemail box was assigned to you with your Business Cloud Communication service. In the Voice Portal, you can upload your voicemail greetings and personal name recordings, view and manage any saved messages, and set up voicemail forwarding.

  • USERS: Sign in to the Voice Portal and scroll down to the Voicemail section. There, you can upload your voicemail greetings and personal name recordings, view and manage any saved messages, and set up Forward Voicemail to Email.

  • ADMINS: A user's voicemail box can be managed in the user's Voicemail tab. You can also go to the Voicemail section to view all of the voicemail boxes on the account, listed by name. The settings for individual voicemail boxes are the same in either location.


Voicemail messages and greetings can also be managed by dialing in to the voicemail box. See Voicemail Local Access for details.

Greetings Messages Settings

Voicemail Box Greetings

Here, you can upload and manage your voicemail greetings (Basic, Busy, No Answer) and personal name recordings. Click the field to select a file from your computer, then click [Upload]. The upload will accept WAVE, MP3, and OGG files that are less than 10MB.



Greetings can also be recorded in the voicemail box itself. See Voicemail Local Access for details.

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