Getting Started with Business Text Messaging

 Business Text Messaging User Guide

The Cymbus Help Center will always have the most up-to-date information, but sometimes a hard copy is easier to consume. Download the Business Text Messaging User Guide (PDF).

A service subscription with a local service provider or ISP is required to use Business Text Messaging. Contact your service provider to set up an account. Once your account is set up, you will receive a Welcome email with your username and a link to create your password.

Once you've created a password, go to the Messaging Portal and log in.



Password Requirements

If you ever forget your password, click the link on the login screen and we'll send you an email to reset it.

Your password must be 8-16 characters long and include uppercase and lowercase letters and at least one number. If you forget your password, click the link on the login screen.


Navigating the Portal

Upon logging in to the account, you’ll land on the Messages inbox for your primary phone number. Each phone number has its own inbox. You can switch to another inbox from the Profile menu in the top right corner.


Navigation Menu

The menu is on the left side of the screen. Click the Icon_Menu_Expand.png icon at the top to expand or collapse the menu. It will automatically collapse on smaller screens.

Field Description
New Message
Send a new message to a new or existing contact.
Messages Send and receive messages to engage with your customers.
Contacts Manage individual contacts and contact lists.
Message Bot
Set up Automatic and Intelligent Responses.
Campaigns Schedule campaigns for target audiences.
Reports Download a report of all messages sent for a specific period.
Settings Edit your profile, including your name, password, and email.
Admin Administrative access to users, SMS Numbers, Groups, and Company Info.
Help Have a question while you're in the app? Click Help to open this Help Center.
Logout Click here to log out. You can also log out from the Profile menu at the top right.


Active Profile

The active profile is displayed at the top right of the window. It shows the user who is currently logged in and the phone number they’re currently viewing and texting from. This is especially helpful for users who share a computer.

To view and send messages from a different number on the account, expand the menu and select the phone number you want.


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