Business Cloud > Short Dials
Rather than adding one at a time, you can migrate short dials from a previous account or provider using a CSV file. Up to 250 short dial numbers can be imported to the account at a time.
Imports are strictly additive; they cannot replace or edit short dials that are already on the account.
Create CSV
- Create a CSV file with columns in the following order: Short Dial, Maps to, Destination, and Description.
- Alternatively, export a list (.csv) of your current short dial numbers to use as a template. Remember to remove all existing numbers before importing it to the account.
- Fill out the fields for every short dial you want to add, then save the file.
- Short Dial: The code that will be dialed. It must be the same length as extensions on the account (3–6 digits).
- Destination: The phone number this code will route to, without any spaces or special characters. For example, 18015551234.
- Description: A brief name or description, such as the name of the destination. For example: IT Helpdesk. This field is optional.
- Save the completed spreadsheet as a .csv file.
Import File
- Go to Account > Short Dials.
- Click the menu on the right and select Import CSV.
- Drag and drop the file into the upload area or click the link and select the file from your computer.
- Click [Import] to apply the changes to the account.
Multiple safeguards are in place to prevent short dials from interfering with other features on the account. If you get an error when adding a short dial, the error message should tell you the problem to correct. Once you fix it, try adding the short dial(s) again.
The most common errors include:
- Short dial overlaps with an existing short dial or extension.
- Short dial begins with an N11 service number, such as 311, 411, 911, etc.
- Short dial numbers are too long or too short; they must be the same length as extensions on the account.
Adding Short Dials
There are multiple ways to add short dials to the account. See also Add Short Dial and Add Short Dial Range for more information.