Add Short Dial

Business Cloud > Short Dials

Follow the steps below to add a short dial to the account:

  1. Go to Business Cloud > Short Dials.
  2. Click [+ Short Dial] on the right.
  3. In the Add Short Dial popup, enter the following information:
    • Short Dial: The number that will be dialed. It must be the same length as extensions on the account (3–6 digits), as indicated by text below the field.
    • Phone Number: The phone number the short dial will route to, without any spaces or special characters. For example, 18015551234.
    • Description: A brief description for the short dial, such as the name of the destination (optional). For example: IT Helpdesk.
  4. Click [Add]. The short dial is added to the account.

Short Dial - Add.png


Multiple safeguards are in place to prevent short dials from interfering with other features on the account. If you get an error when adding a short dial, the error message should tell you the problem to correct. Once you fix it, try adding the short dial(s) again.

The most common errors include:

  • Short dial overlaps with an existing short dial or extension.
  • Short dial begins with an N11 service number, such as 311, 411, 911, etc.
  • Short dial numbers are too long or too short; they must be the same length as extensions on the account.

 Adding Short Dials

There are multiple ways to add short dials to the account. See also Add Short Dial Range and Import Short Dials for more information.

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