Account Codes Default Settings

Once Account Codes is enabled on an account, the account-level settings must be configured before enabling it for users. These settings will be applied to all users who have account codes enabled, except those with custom settings.

  1. Go to Business Cloud > Account Codes.
  2. Under Account Codes Settings, switch on Allow account codes. Once these settings are saved (see step 5), Account Codes can be enabled or disabled at the user level as needed.
  3. Choose which default settings to enable (optional). To see how each of these settings changes the flow of a call, see How to Use Account Codes.
    • Require account codes for internal calls. If enabled, users will be prompted to dial an account code on every outbound call to other users on the account. If disabled, the user can dial a star code + account code during a call if they want to tag it.
    • Validate account codes when dialed. If enabled, the account code will be validated against the codes on the account. If disabled, the user can dial any number as an account code, as long as it’s the right length. At least one account code must be added before enabling this option.
    • Allow call to proceed after max retries. If account codes are validated and the user enters multiple invalid codes, this setting determines whether the call will proceed as intended or end once the user reaches the max retry limit. This setting can only be customized at the user level if it's enabled at the account level first.
  4. Click [Save].
    Account Codes Settings 2.png
  5. Save Account Codes. A pop-up will appear stating that these settings will be applied to all users who have account codes enabled, except those with custom settings, and ask if you want to enable this feature for all users who don't have it yet. 
    • Yes: Account Codes will be enabled for all existing users who don't have it yet. If Account Codes had been intentionally disabled for any users, it will have to be disabled for them again.
    • No: Account Codes will not be enabled for users who don't have it yet. Choose this option if you want to enable it manually for individual users, rather than enabling it for everyone all at once.
  6. Click [Save] to apply the settings.

User Settings

Account Codes is not enabled by default for new users added to the account after these settings are saved. There are two ways to enable it for users after this point: 

  1. Re-save the Account Codes Settings (even if you haven't changed the settings) and choose Yes to enable it for all users who don't have it yet.
  2. After a new user is created, go to their Settings tab and turn it on.

All users who have Account Codes enabled follow the account-level settings by default. However, these settings can be customized for individual users who have different requirements. See Account Codes User Settings for details.

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