Call Screening

Products BCC BL.png

You have control to ensure you receive important calls. You can limit the callers that ring your phone, filter callers, or forward important callers to another number.

Calls from anonymous callers, or other callers, can be given special treatment, such as being blocked, sent directly to voicemail, forwarded to another phone number (like your mobile), or having a custom ring pattern assigned.

  Star Codes Disclaimer

Star codes are customized by your service provider. The default star codes are outlined in BCC Star Codes and Business Line Star Codes; however, yours may be different. Please refer to your user guide for the star codes available on your service.

All Other Callers Anonymous Callers Custom Callers

All Other Callers

If you don’t want to receive calls from anyone, use this feature to block all callers and then enable only custom (specific) callers to reach you.

Star Code Instructions

All Other Callers: Allow

This will allow calls from every number that is not specifically blocked.

  1. Dial the star code.
  2. You will hear, “Your selective call accept service has been deactivated."

All Other Callers: Block

This will block calls from every number that is not specifically allowed.

  1. Dial the star code.
  2. You will hear, “Your selective call accept service has been activated."
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