Business Lines > Voicemail
Voicemail is Optional
Business Lines Voicemail is an optional feature that is turned off by default. To add a new voicemail box, please contact your service provider.
Does your business need a voicemail box? Many businesses need only one, while others might need a few, and some are satisfied with their on-premises voicemail solution or don’t need voicemail at all.
Voicemail boxes are set up by line, not by user, which makes it easier to share. One voicemail box can be assigned to a single line or be shared by multiple lines. Set it up your way.
Need only one voicemail box for the company? Create one voicemail box and assign all of your lines to it.
Need one for customer service and another for the manager? Set up multiple boxes and assign your lines as necessary.
Don’t need voicemail? It’s turned off by default, so there’s nothing to disable.
To manage your voicemail boxes in the Voice Portal, go to Account > Business Lines > Voicemail. Here you can see all of your voicemail boxes, the lines they’re assigned to, and the email addresses messages will be sent to. In Lines, you can see which voicemail box is assigned to the line, so you’ll know where your calls are going.
To manage your voicemail in the box directly, dial the Voicemail Management star code to access the messages for that line, record a greeting, or update the PIN. Remember, all lines assigned to the box will use the same PIN. See Voicemail Management for more information.
To add or delete a voicemail box, contact your service provider.
Business Lines | Next: Edit a Voicemail Box |